The 5 Most Impressive Buildings in Buenos Aires – Part I

Buenos Aires for its European architecture is known as the Paris of South America. The 5 most impressive buildings to visit in Buenos Aires are:

National Congress

Is situated at the end of Avenida de Mayo. Construction started in 1898 and was partially finished in 1906 when President Jose Figuero Alcorta inaugurated it.

Palacio Barolo

Palacio was the highest structure in South America until 1935. Barolo invited Mario Palanti to design the office tower in 1910. Palanti, a fan of Dante Alighieri, designed the building based onThe Divine Comedy.

Teatro Colón

Also known as Columbus Theater, Teatro Colón is often considered one of the exceptional opera theaters globally. Built with carefully chosen materials from Europe, the building is decorated with different Italian marbles, French stained glass, and Venice mosaics.


The construction of Cabildo was finally completed in 1764. The Cabildo is one of the few colonial-era buildings still standing. Exhibits in the museum include artifacts, weapons, documents, jewelry and more from the 1700s.

Casa Rosada

Located at 50 Balcarce Street, in the Montserrat neighborhood of Buenos Aires, in front of Plaza Mayo, is the official residence of the President of Argentina. Founded in 1950 and is one of the most impressive collections of Argentine history.

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